Welcome to FFG

Hello, I am the executive director of Fire Fall Gatherings. The head banner on the home page is a conglomerate of three separate visions I have had over my 40+ years of being a Christian since I was 17. The fire and glory (kavod or kabod- Hebrew word for heavy weight of His majesty and glory) was coming down all around us. Although I did not understand it at the time; The Lord began to show me that it was not only prophetic but, also significant to the calling and purpose that is on all of our lives and, how He prepares us to walk in the fullness of that purpose. See Matthew 3:10-12, and Mark 9:49. It began to burn in me a fiery passion to share the ongoing testimonies of the Lord, in various experiences and dreams, of which still happen. It is truly humbling and awesome when you begin to understand some of His wisdom and ways in all of this. He really is an amazing and wonderful Father and, He knows exactly what He's doing with us even though we may not see or understand what's happening, or why. He really can be trusted.

Over 4 decades now He has continued to reveal the depths of His word to me As I continue to hunger and thirst for more of Him. Being set apart for His service by a prophetic word, I was lead through various kinds of ministry over the years such as: praise and worship groups, (I played string bass and sang back up), prophesying to congregational settings, leading prayer groups, men's fellowships, teaching in church gatherings, young peoples groups, women's halfway house, one on one counseling, helped start a few house churches, and through all this the Lord has been developing in me fresh insights into the spiritual life and walk He has created and redeemed us for.

Our prayer and desire is that you will come away from this site realizing that there is much to learn about the fire of God of which we in the church have been crying out for in prayer and song for many years now. However, it may not be as exciting or welcoming as it sounds but, it will turn out to be the most passionate display of His tender, and fiery, love at work purging us from death and deception, while at the same time, revealing and creating in us our true identity and the very reason for our existence; which is to bring us into the fullness and maturity of son's in the the same fellowship that the Father and the Son enjoy.

Fireside Chats

Kingdom Perspective

Viewing Christ and His word in a deeper and fresher way.

1st Century Christianity

The original culture of the church was one of relationship and fellowship in the Spirit of Christ where people could dialogue in question and healthy debate that resulted in the true unity of the Spirit. Of course, it should be notedly taken to heart that this can only happen when we are individually uniting with Him in fellowship continuously. It's what we here at FFG call "1st Century Christianity".

Sitting in pews once or twice a week listening to a prepared sermon and, singing a few songs is not what the Lord intended for His Church. We here at Fire Fall Gatherings have been discovering that this approach makes the Saints more like lifelong, unlearned and undisciplined, spectators constantly relying more on the teaching of men rather than, the inward work of the Spirit of Truth in their own heart making them powerful participants in the Divine purposes of God for their own life individually and collectively..

Genuine Relational Sharing

Connecting on a heart level allows for walls to come down and hearts to open.

Discussions Around the Word

Being able to ask questions and talk about the word of GOD allows for maximum impact.

Unified Prayer

When people pray together as one heart and mind, united in Christ; the power of transformation takes place in life and relationships.

Our Mandate Philemon 1:6

To share with everyone the riches of the inheritance of "Christ in you, the hope of glory", where Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God, & the revelation of Christ all come together.

Holy Spirit

To allow the Holy Spirit to create the proper atmosphere causing a proper response from us; thus bringing the divine nature of Christ and His Kingdom in our hearts and minds.

The Kingdom

To develop accurate kingdom perspectives and lifestyles that will manifest His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.


To instill an ongoing and, deeper hunger in the soul for the pursuit of the divine revelation of Christ in you; with which He builds His Church.

Our Most Inward Need

It is said that "the most important thing, is to keep the most important thing, the most important thing". Just as Jesus told Martha in Luke 10:39-42 about her sister Mary's negligence to help with the chores; "...Mary has chosen the only thing that is really necessary, and it will not be taken from her".

Our time with Christ and His word is as Mary's choice to sit at His feet and dine at His table which has already been prepared and set. And in John 1:16 it says  that "Of His fullness we have all received and, grace on top of grace".

If we will combine the disciplines of the denial of the self nature and self will, with whole heart devotion to Him and His word, we will find the most bountiful spread of all of life's necessities and desires fulfilled, and so much more, sitting at the Kings table.

Come & Dine With Us.

Your brothers
in Christ

Surrendering to the SPIRIT of the LORD in conversational flow, so that the anointed Word comes forth, instead of the soulish release of the vessel, takes a dying to self that can take years of trial and error.  Your facilitators have paid ,and still are paying, the price to go through the refinement process to continue being a clear voice for the SPIRIT of GOD to express Himself through.
("Let he who has ears to hear, hear what the SPIRIT is saying to the church" - Revelation 2:29 )
As always, it is recommended that you walk along side hearing what the spirit is saying to you.

Shawn Patrick

Speaker, Teacher and Executive Director of Fire Fall Gatherings.

Roger Gauthier

Director of all things digital and host for the Fire Fall Gatherings broadcast, Roger aims to follow the leading of the Spirit to enable Fire Fall Gatherings to reach around the earth.

Connect With Us

We encourage you to register for our Deep Calls Unto Deep inBox Ministry support resource we send regularly so you can learn of new gatherings, events, and can receive InBox Ministry from Shawn. Also you'll be made aware of special opportunities and other wonderful gathering benefits. Just register here at Deep Calls Unto Deep

Gathering Times

Mon - Fri: TBA

Saturday: TBA

Sunday : TBA

© Fire Fall Gatherings. All Rights Reserved.

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A diet traditionally followed in Greece, Crete, southern France, and parts of Italy that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, olive oil.

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