Partner with Fire Fall Gatherings
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When you partner with Fire Fall Gatherings you are part of the family that understands that to reach our brothers and sisters trapped in bondage's of false mental identity perspectives and negative behavior, requires an investment of finances, time and prayer. If you have benefited from the spiritual resources here, would you consider supporting us with an offering? If not we understand and if you like, we can still partner together to spread the message of the Kingdom.
If you are part of the family of the kingdom of GOD, you can give via PayPal so that there are no fees added to your giving.
If you don't like Pay Pal and you prefer cash app you can share the love digitally using cash app.
A portion of your offerings goes to a home church of 50 people in Pakistan who are gathering via zoom to learn the word of God
For a limited time, I'm we're offering FREE access to the complete video series where you'll learn [benefit]