Your Spiritual Library

Written Teachings Hub

If you are ready to do a deep dive and really study then this teaching hub will be a tremendous blessing. It's here we'll keep adding to the library for you to print out so you can highlight and do your word studies so you can drive the content really deep.

Understanding True Repentance

Repentance is one of those words that has taken on a negative meaning or something we think we are only supposed to do when we first come to the Lord. But what if it actually has the intent that you will be repenting the rest of your life because God is going to recover everything that was lost in the garden for mankind. And so, we should actually think of it as an upgrade in the heart and soul bringing us ever closer to the nature and expression of God Himself.

Being a Disciple
of Christ

Sheep know that they need a shepherd. Otherwise they would wander around aimlessly trying to find sustenance, and wind up lost and hungry. Or get eaten by a predator. If we are going to be Christs disciples, we will have to conclude that He is the greatest, wisest, and most caring shepherd there could ever be. And so, He is always reliable and trustworthy. Even though He is dealing with the most difficult of wanderers that there is. The deaf, dumb, and blind.

Protocol of the Kingdom

If you've ever been to the place of a royal person, or dignitary, you will have already learned that there are certain ways you are to act in their presence. Certain ways you are to treat others there. Certain things you can or can't say. Certain clothes you can or can't wear. And certain places you can and can't go. If you are humble and grateful that you were even allowed to come; Then honor and respect and submission will come natural. How much more should we apply this to the Kingdom of God

Discerning Between Soul & Spirit

The sum of a human being is one of amazing beauty as well as deep complexity. That we have three parts to what makes us who we are should be proof enough that the biblical account of creation can and  should be trusted. God Himself expresses Himself as the Triune God. To understand the different functions and expressions of each part of us will take much study and inward examination. But, to understand which part of us should be in control over the others is the key to connecting with our creator. 

The Reason for Trials & Suffering

The bible is replete with tests and trials from the Lord of life both in the OT and NT. Life itself seems to be a trial for many. But what is the divine reasoning behind all these hard tests? Only, when we understand what happened in the fall and the amazing mystery of what we're being prepared for by the wisdom of God, will we be able to see the glass half full instead of half empty. And the smile starts returning to our face.

Seated With Him In Heavenly Places

It is the most intriguing subject for me to discuss and look at why God has created us to sit with Him at His throne. It humbles me and makes me fear, and creates a deep sense of wonder and awe at the same time. That our God is so willing to share such a thing of depth and importance just makes one weep and crumble, or it should. But this is part of why we were created. This will help us to understand better our need for trials and tests.

Discerning Between Soul & Spirit

The sum of a human being is one of amazing beauty as well as deep complexity. That we have three parts to what makes us who we are should be proof enough that the biblical account of creation can and  should be trusted. God Himself expresses Himself as the Triune God. To understand the different functions and expressions of each part of us will take much study and inward examination. But, to understand which part of us should be in control over the others is the key to connecting with our creator. 

The Reason for Trials & Suffering

The bible is replete with tests and trials from the Lord of life both in the OT and NT. Life itself seems to be a trial for many. But what is the divine reasoning behind all these hard tests? Only, when we understand what happened in the fall and the amazing mystery of what we're being prepared for by the wisdom of God, will we be able to see the glass half full instead of half empty. And the smile starts returning to our face.

Seated With Him In Heavenly Places

It is the most intriguing subject for me to discuss and look at why God has created us to sit with Him at His throne. It humbles me and makes me fear, and creates a deep sense of wonder and awe at the same time. That our God is so willing to share such a thing of depth and importance just makes one weep and crumble, or it should. But this is part of why we were created. This will help us to understand better our need for trials and tests.

Finding Our
True Identity

You might not see it this way but everything that happens and challenges us in this life is revealing the answer to one major question that most of us don’t really know the answer to.  Who are you? How would you define yourself?  In Jeremiah 10:23,24 17:9,10 and Proverbs 20:23,24 we are being shown something that may be hard for many to admit. But if it is truth, how then can we know and answer that question? I intend and hope that you will be doing some reading of scriptures in this teaching. Otherwise, you may not understand what is being revealed.

How To See God

Huh! Well if you figure it out, let me know. LOL! Really though it is a rather deep subject without promising results unless, you really, really 100% want to. And are willing to go through anything, give up anything, say goodbye to your life as you knew it along with some relationships, deny yourself the rights to your own feelings about anything, and much more gut wrenching death to self experiences etc.... And yes He will be there helping you all the way until He sees your ready. "Why does He have to be so severe" you might ask. Well, when you start to see him you will understand. And then your heart will become one big "YES LORD".

The Purpose of Fellowship.

Why do we gather together? " For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst" (Matthew 18:20). #Dropping the mic. (SELAH)

Fire Fall Gatherings

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